4clouds.net Blogging Space


Why 4clouds?

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I was developing my knowledge in web services during the late '90s. We had only recently purchased the domain name for my business, but I wanted a different platform to experiment with that wouldn't impact anything on which the company was working.

So I went to purchase a domain for this purpose. I looked at the empty box which required me to enter my new domain name, and like most empty spaces, it became intimidating. I remember looking at the flashing cursor for some considerable time before standing up and gazing out of the window, desperately searching for inspiration. As I looked up to the sky, four similarly sized and equally spaced clouds hung in the blue sky. I'd found my inspiration.

I have used the 4clouds domain names in various different forms ever since.

Monday March 29th, 2021

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Some images in this website are from Unsplash